Teacher of the Year

Outstanding Teacher Awards

The Awards are a joint program of the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and the Carroll County Public School, organized by the Chamber’s Business and Education Committee and supported by the Chamber’s member businesses.  The Outstanding Teacher Awards recognize the men and women of the Carroll County Public School System who represent excellence in the teaching profession.

2012 Outstanding Teacher Awards

The Carrol County Chamber of Commerce will begin accepting nominations for the 2012 Outstanding Teacher Awards November 1, 2011 thru January, 3 2012

Who is eligible? Any full-time elementary, middle, high school, career & technology, or special education teacher, counselor or media specialist in the Carroll County Public School System.

Who can make a nomination? Parents, students, fellow teachers and school administration may submit a nomination.

Fully answer the form’s three questions and please give specific examples of the teacher’s impact. These questions are the basis for selecting eight Outstanding Teachers who will receive an award at the Outstanding Teacher Reception & Award Program on March 28, 2012.

Examples of answers to the questions:

Question 1 – Give specific examples how this teacher inspires students to learn

…very much involved in the best interest of her students. On a personal level she has taken her time and energy to implement a behavior chart for my son who is having difficulties in the classroom setting. She is very dedicated and patient with the students in her classroom.

…the students in her 8th grade Language Arts classes projects that relate the current piece of literature to real life.  For example, when they were reading To Kill a Mockingbird, she had them create newspaper articles following the events in the book.

Question 2 – Give specific examples how this teacher builds self-confidence and esteem

… came to her at the end of second grade on a “K” reading level, by the end of third grade she was reading on a 3rd grade level.  Her confidence has been lifted to the point that she was eager to learn. She is currently working with my son and he is very excited when he receives a good grade on a test, ecstatic is more of a correct description.

…holds students responsible for there own work which can lead to loosing points or a reward at the end of the week.  She counters their negativity with positives until they believe in themselves.  She offers constant reinforcement.

Question 3 – Give specific examples of the ways this teacher helps students apply what they have learn to real world situations

When working with students with math she will often equate the problem to money and job skill within the work force.

…shares short anecdotes about things in the real world that relate back to things we have studied or learned in class. This is a helpful strategy that allows deeper thinking and application of the materials we learn. It also encourages us to be more observant and relate our life experiences and encounters to class. This is helpful to me because it deepens and sometimes broadens my insight into discussions and activities.

2012 Nomination Form -> Click Here

March 28, 2012 Awards Program

We invite you attend to show your support of our county’s public school teachers on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at Winters Mill High School.  The Chamber will present Certificates of Excellence to the teachers who completed the application, announce three winners of the Wilhelm Scholarship for Teacher Education and name the Chamber’s Eight Outstanding Teachers.

Please print  and return with payment the 2012 Reservation Form by March 17. The event is at Winters Mill High School, 560 Gorsuch Rd., Westminster from 6:00 -8:30 PM.

The Outstanding Teacher Awards are made possible by the following Chamber Member businesses and PTAs

Premier Sponsor – Tevis Oil

Partnering Sponsors:

Lehigh Cement Company

Carroll County Times

M&T Bank

Barnes Bollinger Insurance Services


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