Chamber Member Free Web Page
The Carroll County Chamber offers a free starter web page for its members, enabling all members to market on the Internet 24/7. This user-friendly feature is designed to allow Chamber members to create their first web page and to maintain it themselves. No web development skills are needed, and no set-up, maintenance, or web-hosting fees are involved. The page remains online as long as Chamber membership is maintained.
A page created through this feature will have a unique and directly accessible web address: This web address will be the web site listed for the member in the Chamber’s online and print directories. If the member already has a web address listed, the address for the page created through this feature will replace it.
Following the creation of the free web page, the member submits it to Chamber staff for processing before it becomes accessible online. Processing may take up to ten business days.
To proceed with creating a free web page, please call the Chamber office at 410 848 9050 to verify your membership status and obtain a user name and password. After receiving that information, return to this page and enter user name and password below. The same user name and password will be used to make changes to the page. Please keep this information confidential to protect the integrity of your web page.