The core mission of the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce is to promote a sound economic environment in which our business community can prosper. This work goes hand-in-hand with the business of attracting and nurturing new businesses.
Carroll County actively and aggressively seeks new opportunities for industrial development projects. The Carroll County Department of Economic Development works in partnership with the Maryland Commerce to attract new business to the County as well as encourage expansion of resident industry. More than 4,500 national and international businesses reside in the County. Economic development continues to be a priority for Carroll County proven by the Board of County Commissioner’s commitment to rezone new industrial land and by their using resident industry visits as a major retention tool.
Strengths include:
- Workforce
- Positive Business Climate
- Quality of Life
- Location
- Transportation & Access
- Telecommunications
Whether you’re starting a new business or looking to expand an existing one, the Carroll County Department of Economic Development is here to help.
Services available include:
- Workforce training and development
- Site and facility tours
- Financing
- Labor recruitment
- Research
- Business Advocacy
- Regulatory agency assistance
- Customized proposals
- Government Liaison
The Department of Economic Development’s Workforce Development Center is Carroll County’s one-stop shop for workforce development. Business services include:
- Employee recruitment and training
- Job description development
- Labor market information and trend analysis
- Training needs analysis
- Applicant assessment and reference checking
- On-the-job training and training grants
Carroll County Links
Carroll County Department of Economic Development
Carroll County Workforce Development
Carroll County Commissioners
District 1: Joseph Vigliotti
District 2: Kenneth Kiler
District 3: Tom Gordon III
District 4: Michael Guerin
District: 5: Ed Rothstein
The Commissioners can be reached by phone at 410-386-2043