Board Member Spotlight

Brady Chapman

Penguin Random House
Penguin Random House is the leading adult and children’s publishing house in North America, the United Kingdom and many other regions around the world. In publishing the best books in every genre and subject for all ages, we are committed to quality, excellence in execution, and innovation throughout the entire publishing process: editorial, design, marketing, publicity, sales, production, and distribution.
My first Job was working as a pharmacist assistant
My first career choice of being a professional baseball player didn’t pan out. Once I realized that, I decided to look for professions that were more aligned with my physical abilities.
If I have to select an accomplishment that I’m most proud of at this point in my career, it would be receiving my master’s degree. At the time, I was working full time, attending school full time and celebrating the birth of my first child.
Gosh, favorite local business? I’d have to say Pub Dog. It’s a hidden gem in our community, but definitely one of my favorites.
I have been fortunate to work with so many nonprofits in the community. I’m not sure I can select just one.
I’m an avid sports fan, if there is a sporting event on, I’m most likely watching it. If the sports world is slow on a particular day, I can be found supporting my favorite local business.
Working for one of the largest book publishers, it would be very difficult to select one book to recommend.
It would have to be: Lose Yourself or Hall of Fame
Favorite Quote: “You can observe a lot by just watching” Favorite piece of advice : “When you say “Yes” to others, make sure you are not saying “no” to yourself”
Networking and connecting with other professionals in the community. We have so many great businesses and individuals in the county and getting to know more about them and what they do is rewarding. I’ve always said, “it’s about the community” and being part of the chamber brings you closer to the community.