Chamber Webinar: Smart Talk with Small Businesses

For anyone that may have missed our most recent Chamber Webinar, we have it for you right here. We’d like to thank everyone who tuned into the webinar on Tuesday and all of our guests. We’re in this together!

We Need You for Our Upcoming Video Series! “We’re Open”

  Dear Chamber members, We’re working on a special 60-second video to promote the open business of the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and encourage our community to shop local. We would love to include YOU. Participation is easy and only requires you, your cell phone, and just a few minutes or your time. We’ll […]

4/22/2020 COVID-19 Reminders and Updates

Here are a few reminders about some of the current relief offerings for families, small businesses, and the self-employed. Reminder about federal tax incentives for businesses under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act:  Employee Retention Tax Credit, Paid Sick Leave Tax Credit Paid Family Leave Tax Credit Payroll Tax Deferral:  To enhance cash flow so […]

Senate Approves $484 billion relief package

Yesterday, the United States Senate approved roughly $484 billion in new Coronavirus aid. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the bill tomorrow. The Senate bill contains: $310 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), with $60 billion of that money reserved for smaller businesses without existing banking relationships. $60 billion ($50 billion in loans and […]

Tax Deductions in the Cares Act Explained by a CPA

In this short video, Tyler Codd, a CPA with Sturgill & Associates and the Historical Society of Carroll County’s Treasurer, describes tax deductions related to charitable giving written into the recently passed CARES Act. The CARES Act is a federal stimulus bill designed to help individuals, businesses and non-profits through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis.

Sole Proprietors and Home-Based Businesses May Receive Phase 2 Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Funding

We have an urgent message from Carroll County Economic Development. Westminster, MD, Monday, April 20, 2020 – The Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted on April 14th to expand the Carroll County Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, offering working capital to assist Carroll County sole proprietors and home-based small businesses with disrupted operations due to COVID-19. […]

Chamber Members Connecting with Our Local Community Amidst COVID-19 Again!

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – J.K. Rowling Here at the Chamber we are hearing and seeing great things from our members who are connecting and giving back to our community during these most difficult times. In an effort to uplift our community, […]

Join us for Episode 1 of Carroll Corona Carryout!

Introducing our first (and possibly last) Carroll Corona Carryout where we choose one of our great local restaurants, share a virtual meal together and tell you all about it. In Episode 1, Mike McMullin, Dennis Twigg, and Steve Lowe dine on Italian from Mediterraneo in Westminster. Order yours: 410-857-4646 Carroll Corona Carryout – Episode […]

Pandemic Adjustment Loan Fund Program (PALFP) from MARBIDCO

“To help Maryland’s food and fiber producers, harvesters and primary processors adjust to the business disruptions caused by COVID-19, MARBIDCO is offering loans (with a very quick turnaround time) through its new Pandemic Adjustment Loan Fund.” Please click this link to learn more.   

Small Business Grant Expanding to Include Sole Proprietors and Home Businesses

“Westminster, MD, Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – Today, in Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to expand the Carroll County Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Fund by $250,000. The $250,000 is earmarked with $50,000 to assist the remaining business applicants who met the initial criteria before the funding was exhausted […]