Important Announcement for Emergency Relief Loan and Grant Program Applicants!
Reminder for companies with incomplete applications for the Maryland COVID-19 Emergency Relief loan and grant programs: If you have already started an application, it must be completed and submitted by 5 p.m. on April 7, 2020 (today!) in order to be considered. Please complete your application here. The Maryland COVID-19 Emergency Relief Manufacturing Fund is still […]
Chamber Members Connecting with Our Local Community Amidst COVID-19
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – J.K. Rowling Here at the Chamber we are hearing and seeing great things from our members who are connecting and giving back to our community during these most difficult times. The Chamber will be showcasing some […]
Important Update for all Local Retailers from the Carroll County Health Department
With all the important information coming out concerning the coronavirus pandemic it’s easy to get overwhelmed and miss something. If you are a local retail business, you need to read this post carefully, as a failure to do so could result in your business being shut down by the Carroll County Health Department. Stay safe […]
4/6/2020 Update: SBA’s EIDL & PPP Programs
Executive Order re: Evictions and Foreclosures: Governor Hogan issued an executive order on April 3rd that covers both residential and commercial properties. Review the Executive Order here. Key Points re: the SBA’s EIDL and PPP programs: Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL): the up to $10,000 emergency advance is entirely forgivable, but only available if you apply for an EIDL […]
Applying for an SBA Loan? You Need a One Stop Account
If you have questions about applying for one of Maryland’s COVID-19 Grants or loans, then keep checking back here for more information on how to apply. Important Update on Maryland’s COVID-19 grant and loan process: applicants need to create an account in the Maryland One Stop portal. Applicants should create a One Stop account even if they have already submitted […]
Update from Mike McMullin 4/2/2020: Small Business Grants
Yesterday in Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to establish a Carroll County Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Fund. Please review the press release that was issued announcing this and keep your eyes open for the next press release from Carroll County Economic Development that will contain the specifics of […]
The List of Maryland’s Essential Businesses
As the novel Coronavirus continues to spread through Maryland and the rest of the country, we must continue to follow the directions of local and federal governments. Recently, Governor Hogan directed us all to Stay at Home to help prevent the rampant spread of the virus. However, essential businesses are still open and their employees […]
New Information & Guides on Small Business Loans, the CARES Act, and More!
We have another update for you this morning concerning a new $10,000 forgivable loan through the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. This is an add-on through the CARES Act. Companies that applied for the EIDL before Monday 3.30.20 need to reapply in order to get this add-on because it’s done through the EIDL portal. The application has […]
3/31/2020 Update: Essential Businesses, The CARES Act, and More.
With so much change in our daily lives, it can feel overwhelming to keep up, but don’t worry. The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce is keeping our finger on the pulse of COVID-19 and changing developments in Maryland. Here are a few updates we’ve compiled from local government sources. Update on CARES Act On March […]
2 Brand New Webinars about the new financial resources and relief programs!
Maryland SBDC – 2 Brand New Webinars about the new financial resources and relief programs. With the recent passage of the CARES Act, there are several BRAND NEW financial resources and relief programs that will be coming available to small business owners nationwide. These programs include much-needed relief for self-employed individuals, sole proprietors, and businesses […]