95th Anniversary Celebration
October 25, 2019 from 6:00-11:00 PM
Martins Westminster
505 Jermor Lane, Westminster, MD 21157
1920’s attire optional but appreciated.
We will also have an auction for some gorgeous jewelry items including a diamond ring, pendant, and earrings! You won’t want to miss this.
Tickets are still available, purchase by Oct. 21st.

TICKETS – $125 per person. Purchase tickets here!
95th Anniversary Whoopee Sponsor – $3500 Table – 10 tickets Promotion on website, banner and printed program
Jitterbug Sponsor (DJ music) – $1500 6 tickets Promotion on website, banner and printed program
Bees Knees – $1200 4 tickets Promotion on website, banner and printed program
Caricature Artists – $1200 4 tickets Promotion on website, banner and printed program
Speak Easy Bar – $1000 2 Tickets Promotion on website, banner and printed program – SOLD OUT!!!
Gatsby Sponsorship – $800 2 Tickets Promotion on website, banner and printed program
Hors D’Oeuvres Sponsorship – $500 Promotion on website and printed program
Casino Games Sponsorship – $500 (6 available) Promotion on website and printed program
Sponsorship closes on Sept. 30, 2019. To be a sponsor call 410-848-9050 or register online.
Thanks to the following sponsors

Martin’s West:

Advance Business Systems www.advancestuff.com

Absolute Investigative Services

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company www.bge.com

Carney, Kelehan, Bresler, Bennet, & Scherr LLP

Carroll Hospital a LifeBridge Health Ctr https://www.carrollhospitalcenter.org/

Carroll Occupational Health http://carrolloccupationalhealth.com/

CQI Associates www.cqiassociates.com

Fairhaven & Cooper Ridge Acts Retirement-Life Communities www.actsretirement.org

Farmers & Merchants Community Bank

Fuchs North America, Inc. www.fuchsna.com

Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley

M&T Bank www.mtb.com

Ting www.ting.com/westminster

Velnoskey Wealth Management Group www.velnoskeywmg-janney.com
Casino Game Prizes Donated By:
Westminster Car Wash & Detailing www.wcwdetailing.com
Georges on York Bed and Breakfast www.georgesonyork.com
The Links of Challedon www.thelinksatchalledon.com
Antrim 1844 www.antrim1844.com
Davidus Cigars – Westminster www.davidus.com
Sara Elizabeth and Co.https://saraelizabethcompany.com/
Lynn Wheeler
Carroll County Chamber of Commerce https://carrollcountychamber.org/