Legislative Session 2025

Check this site often for updates and actions taken during the Maryland General Assembly session beginning in January. Click the title to read the Chamber’s position letter.

Website for the Maryland General Assembly

The Chamber’s Legislative Committee meets weekly to  review up coming bills.  If there is pending legislation that you feel should be brought to the committee’s attention please contact Mike at 410-848-9050.

Bill NumberSubject of BillPosition
MPRP Chamber Position
Position Statement
SB 0058Parental School Engagement Leave Act
SB 0576Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters Employee Attendance and Participation - Maryland Worker Freedom Act
Oppose as Written
SB 0355Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Delay of ImplementationSupport
SB 0726Cannabis Licensees - Bona Fide Labor Organizations-Labor Peace AgreementsOppose
SB 0875Unpaid Parental Leave-Definition of EmployerSupport
SB 0556Real Property - Fraudulent Possession and Unauthorized Lease or Listing - Prohibition and RemovalSupport
SB 0809Declaration of Rights - Right to Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers Oppose
SB 0823No Tax on Tips ActOppose
SB 0752Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2025Oppose
SB 0938Fraud Prevention and Workers ProtectionOppose
SB 0859Fair Share for Maryland Act 2025Oppose
SB 0324Admissions and Amusement Tax - Food and BeveragesOppose
SB 0321Budget Reconciliation and FInancing Act of 2025Support w/Amendments
SB 0836Corporate Business Tax Rate Reduction - Economic Competiveness Act of 2025Support
SB 0557Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax and Associated Mandated Devices Prohibition - Transportation Freedom Act of 2025Support
SB 0484Unhoused Individuals Rights - Civil Action and Affirmative DefenseOppose
SB 1045Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Business Services – Alterations Oppose
Bill NumberSubject of BillPosition
MPRP Chamber PositionPosition Statement
HB 0037Declaration of Rights - RIght to OrganizeOppose as Written
HB 0233Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act)Oppose as Written
HB 0582Exemptions From Overtime Pay - Administrative, Executive, or Professional CapacityOppose
HB 1458Declaration of Rights - Right to Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers Oppose
HB 1400No Tax on Tips Act Oppose
HB 1340Parental Leave - Definition of EmployerSupport
HB 0554Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2025Oppose
HB 1261Employment Discrimination - IntentOppose
HB 1413Employer Communications During Nonworking Hours - Right to DisconnectOppose
HB 0846Transportation Access and Revenue ActOppose
HB 1096Fraud Prevention and Workers ProtectionOppose
HB 0997Admissions and Amusement Tax - Food and BeveragesOppose
HB 0352The Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2025Support w/Amendments
HB 1101Corporate Income Tax Rate Reduction - Economic Competitiveness Act of 2025Support
HB 1008Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax and Associated Mandated Devices Prohibition - Transportation Freedom Act of 2025Support
HB 0487Unhoused Individuals Rights Civil Action and Affirmative DefenseOppose
HB 0296Personal Property Tax Exemption for Low Assessments - AlterationOppose
HB 0231Constitutional Amendment - Fee or Tax Rate Increases - Yea or Nay Vote of General Assembly Required - Taxpayer Disclosure and Protection ActSupport
HB 1014Fair Share for Maryland Act 2025Oppose
HB 1554Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Business Services – AlterationsOppose
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