Travel with the Chamber to Tuscany

The Chamber is proud to offer you the opportunity to travel to Tuscany from October 24 through November 1, 2017. This wonderful trip features 7 nights in the same First Class Hotel in Tuscany. From there we will travel to places like Florence, Pisa & Lucca, the Chianti Region and other amazing locations.


We’d love to have you join us for the trip. Our past trips to places like Cuba and China have been sell outs. You DO NOT have to be a member to travel with us.

The easiest way to have your questions answered is to give Mike (Chamber of Commerce President) a call on his cell (410) 977-3111. He’ll answer any questions you have as soon as he can.

There will also be an informational webinar on March 2nd from 6-7pm. Get the details…

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